



Powderpost beetles can cause significant damage to wooden structures and furniture. These beetles are reddish-brown to black and have a distinctive body shape. Their larvae are white, C-shaped grubs, and cause damage by making round tunnels that are loosely packed with very fine frass, which is where the name “powderpost” comes from. The larvae make these tunnels, and this is usually the result of several generations of beetles in the same wood. When adults leave the wood, it is left with many small round holes that are 0.03 to 0.13 inches (0.8 to 3.2 mm) in diameter. The adults leave to search for a new wood source.

Dark wood is shown with very small holes in it about the size of the tip of a pencil. Next to the holes is light tan powderpost beetle frass.

Powderpost beetles usually attack only seasoned or partly seasoned sapwood of hardwoods such as ash, oak, pecan, and hickory, but they will also attack bamboo, cherry, elm, persimmon, walnut, and many others. They can attack wood with a moisture content between 6-30%. Most wood within centrally heated and cooled buildings contains enough moisture for a lyctid attack. They will re-infest the same wood repeatedly until it is virtually useless, and they may spread to other hardwoods nearby. 

If you suspect a powderpost beetle infestation, it’s essential to contact a pest control professional to develop an effective treatment plan. Don’t hesitate to take action to protect your wooden structures and furniture from these damaging pests.

Reference: https://urbanentomology.tamu.edu/urban-pests/lyctid/

A closeup of a piece of wood with four holes shown made by powderpost beetles. Beside each hole is a light colored mound of frass.A piece of wood is shown with several tiny holes left by powderpost beetles. Below several of the holes on the ground is mounds of frass.A closeup of a piece of wood is shown with a couple small holes in it left by a powderpost beetle. The tip of a pencil is shown pointing to a small powderpost beetle.


If you suspect or see signs of a powderpost beetle infestation, schedule an inspection with Coastal Fumigators today! We are the leading experts in fumigation in the state of Texas. With over 100 years of experience, Coastal Fumigators sets the standards for safe and complete removal of powderpost beetles. 100% guaranteed!